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Giten Tonkov – BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System

Giten Tonkov – BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System

Giten Tonkov – BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System

BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System

Learn powerful breath and movement techniques to track the sensations in each area of your body — to let go of core tensions and traumas, release repressed negative energy, clear your emotional pathways — and find your strength and ability to live happily, openly, and freely.

In this life-enhancing course with Giten, you’ll discover:

  • How trauma impacts the nervous system
  • The 6 elements of BioDynamic Breathwork — breath, movement, sound, touch, emotions, and meditation
  • The 7 belts of tension — ocular, oral, cervical, thoracic, diaphragmatic, abdominal, and pelvic — and how they’re different from the chakras
  • The 3 different speeds of breathing — and how the speed and pattern of your breath activate your sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system response
  • Ways to work more deeply with your felt sense — and understand that if something arises, it’s just a body sensation… and if it’s too much, you can shift yourself to a place of safety
  • How, as you address each belt of tension, the belt above or below it also opens and releases
  • deeper awareness of where you’re holding tension — and where your healing focus needs to be
  • How your eyes gather visual information, assess safety or threats in your environment, and then send nerve impulses to your occipital area for processing
  • How, when you’re breathing effectively and your diaphragm moves freely, it activates your abdominal organs, enhancing digestion, lung and heart movements, overall energy, and long-term wellbeing
  • Ways to create and expand what Giten calls a window of tolerance to become more resilient, even in the face of your triggers
  • Why a deeper understanding of how trauma works within your body can be incredibly empowering
  • Ways to find a place of safety within your own body that you can always return to

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