
John Romaniello – Practicum Veritae

$555 $50

Practicum Veritae – Laudant Lessons for the Directed Development of a Veridical Voice & Perseverant Process.

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  • Last Update: 2022

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John Romaniello – Practicum Veritae

Practicum Veritae – Laudant Lessons for the Directed Development of a Veridical Voice & Perseverant Process

Practicum is an intentional practice, course of study, or Process.

Veritae refers to capturing candid realism, or truth. In the context of writing, the embodiment of your truth is your Voice.

Taken together, Practicum Veritae means, “the practice of recording truth.”

And that’s our goal here.

Practicum Veritae is about more than just improving your writing; it’s about being intentional in your development as a writer.

Without question, you’ll start improving from the very first day.

You’ll learn techniques and the mechanical aspects.

You’ll enhance your vocabulary, learn to construct powerful sentences, and how to structure your content in a way to arrest attention, immediately.

From the first sentence to the final period, you’ll be able to grab your readers and hold their attention as you bring them all the way down the page.

But being a good writer isn’t just knowing how to write a catchy headline, where the commas go, or when to cut an extraneous adverb.

Improvement takes more than just figuring out your weaknesses and picking up some tools to address them.

It’s also about knowing yourself well enough to allow for consistent writing and produce great material…

…and having a structured what to determine what does (and doesn’t) constitutes great material, as quickly as possible.

Whether in the idea stage or once it’s one the page, knowing the potential for something to be impactful is a skill you cultivate through constant assessment.

For rapid progress on all fronts, Practicum Veritae take a bifurcated approach: you focus on assessment and improvement alternately, improving both concurrently

This results in something much greater than a simple feedback loop: a self-perpetuated and accelerative cycle. 

Let’s take a look at the tools you’ll use to focus on each of these pieces independently and collectively…

Gadgets & Gizmos Aplenty: Instructional Implements + Artistic Accoutrements 


The core of the Practicum is a series of daily writing assignments, delivered in the form of Prompts.

The vehicle for putting in the reps of daily writing, each Prompt is both an assignment and a lesson.

Designed and curated with intentionalitythrough this 30-day writing practice, you’ll be writing from different perspectives for different purposes, with different structures.

In a month’s time, you’ll produce 30 raw samples while stretching your creativity, building core writing skills, and uncovering your Voice.

The following month, you’ll edit each piece, resulting in new skills, a greater understanding of the unsung aspect of the craft.


Five powerful and actionable strategies for approaching the craft, the Practicum Principles for Unbridled Learning are accessible the moment you begin the course.

Covering everything from restructuring daily habits to reframing perception, these 5 video lessons give you an immediate jump-start to improving your wordcraft.


These four video lessons go deep, outlining the most impactful practices I use every time I write.

Released weekly, each new lesson has clear instructions for implementation, allowing you to build and stack these skills progressively.

From assessment strategies to concrete editing techniquesnothing will develop your Voice and Process faster or more effectively than the Practicum Pillars.


A comprehensive system for tracking and self-assessment. From your time spent writing to your word count, I’ll give you an understanding of how you’re creating.

From there, you’ll learn how to improve that, and how to interpret and apply everything you’re recording to make your writing better and your sessions more productive.


Overseen personally by me, the Practicum Posse is your Fellowship of the Ring, your Avengers, your X-Men, your D&D adventuring party: a coterie of wordsmiths. 

Accessed through the Practicum course platform, members of the Posse work independently to improve their individual skills…

…but also contribute to a greater collective, providing inspirationfeedback, and accountability.

Practicum Veritae shows you how to write and connect so you’ll be the coach people want to buy, over and over.

Through my books and my company, the Personal Trainer Development Center, I’ve spent the better part of the last decade helping people build the skills to be successful coaches.

Sometimes it’s better programming or assessing strategies. Other times it’s business and marketing.

But the one thing EVERYONE needs to improve is communication. Because communication means connection.

We all need to connect to the people we’re trying to serve, whether we’re trying to educate them, entertain them, or coach them.

And when it comes to connection, writing is the most effectivereliable, and leveragable way to do that.

Unfortunately, it’s an area I see a LOT of coaches neglect, focusing instead on certifications and business seminars.

But all the knowledge in the world won’t matter if you can’t communicate it to your audience in an understandable and meaningful way. And business skills aren’t nearly as useful if you the way you teach things isn’t unique to you.

Which is why I’m so psyched about John Romaniello’s Practicum Veritae: it shows you how to do both, breaking down the skills and process in a way from which anyone can benefit, regardless of starting point.

I feel so strongly about this, I personally bought the course the day it came out.

John’s ability to connect through writing is what’s made him successful. He touched on this in an interview we did for my first book, saying, “people don’t buy coaching, they buy coaches.”

Practicum Veritae shows you how to write and connect so you’ll be the sort of coach people want to buy, over and over.

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