Charm Offensive – How To Win A Megaclient Free Download
Want to win big-name clients but think you’re too small or don’t know where to start? This pack will take you through how I did it from the opening gambit to getting them over the finish line.
This training goes through the full process we went through to secure Symantec as a client.
Symantec is a $4 billion a year company. Their most well-known brand is Norton Antivirus, but they make most of their money from huge B2B contracts with other massive corporations.
We’d won business with some decent companies already, but really we were just starting out – and this contract was game-changing. We’d never seen this much money before! And then we used this system to win more enterprise clients with big budgets.
I remember the day we won them…
Winning Symantec involved a lot more than sending a silly cold email.
That just got the ball rolling. As a small agency, we had to impress. Big clients often prefer to play it safe and hire big agencies, seeing them as less risky. We had to go out of our way to show Symantec that we were the best choice for their social media and content marketing needs.
This training covers:
- Opening – How we opened the deal. This bit’s obvious. We went the silly ferret email.
- Getting a call – We will show you how we transitioned from positive response to an initial call.
- Getting a Meeting – Learn what we offered Symantec so they agreed to an in-person meeting and what we prepared for and what we presented at this first meeting.
- Positioning – You’ll get full explanations of the 7 Sales Hooks that we used repeatedly – including to win this megacorp.
- The Pitches – What we presented in our meetings with Symantec. This involved a lot of pitching not only our way of doing things, but specific ideas that fit within the brief provided.
- Brainstorming Ideas – How we developed ideas to present to Symantec.
- The Clever Shortcut that saved us time and the client money – learn the simple tactic we used to ensure our creative would be successful; make a win-win-win scenario for our agency, the client, and journalists; and inoculate Symantec from wasting money.
- Closing – What we did in the final pitch and how we followed up to bring close the deal.
- The Psychological Principles – a rundown of the underlying persuasion techniques we used throughout the process.
If you want to learn how to win BIG name clients, this training is for you.
What you get in this pack:
- The full eBook which covers in detail every step of the process, and all the tactics you can use to win new clients for yourself.
- A video training explaining all the elements of the whole successful pitch process, plus some insight into the psychology and sales hooks used.
- The exact email we used to get the initial response, plus a templated version for you to adapt and use to get new clients on the hook.
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